From analyzing a process to systematically solving identified issues and implementing measures with focus: with kyro, you make continuous improvement part of your daily work, implement optimizations efficiently, and solve complex process challenges in a structured and sustainable way. The software includes all the tools and methods needed to enhance business performance. Start using kyro and take the first step on your unique path to operational excellence.
The tool can be used as standalone software. If you need support with regards to impementing Operational Excellence within your company, the consulting from prozessraum AG is available for coaching, analysis, or project management.
The software is available in both German and English.
What Features Are Integrated into kyro?
Process Analysis with Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a method for analyzing the current state of a process. Every workflow contains both value-adding and non-value-adding steps, as well as areas of waste. VSM makes these visible, so they can be minimized or even eliminated in subsequent steps. The result of a value stream analysis is always improved performance and increased efficiency. With kyro, conducting Value Stream Mapping is now easier than ever.
The Open Challenge List: List of Problems and Mearures (incl. A3 Report)
The Open Challenge List (OCL) is a comprehensive list of all unresolved issues. Each problem can be addressed systematically, as kyro integrates common problem-solving methods such as Root Cause Problem Solving (RCPS), the PDCA cycle, and the A3 method. With all required measures centrally stored, team members are always up-to-date. Learn more about the Open Challenge List in kyro.
Continuous Improvement Made Easy with the PDCA Cycle
Through constant and ongoing improvements (Continuous Improvement/CI), companies increase both efficiency and quality. If you aim for operational excellence, implementing CI is essential. It must be clearly defined from the start to ensure the sustainability of any process change. With kyro, you make continuous improvement part of your daily work.
Resource Management: Skill and Coaching Matrix
Eine Skill-Matrix zeigt die vorhandenen Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten innerhalb eines A skill matrix provides a clear overview of the competencies and skills within a team. It helps a company identify existing know-how and pinpoint knowledge gaps. The skill matrix, commonly used in process management, lays the foundation for building an agile team. Based on the skill matrix, a coaching matrix is created – showing who should collaborate to develop specific skills. With kyro, resource management becomes effortless.
Management Reporting
The management reporting provides an overview of the progress of process and team optimization. The report highlights which measures are still pending and what percentage of them are delayed. Additionally, it shows at a glance how many savings have already been achieved and how much savings potential is still available. Management reporting provides a fact-based foundation for guiding employees within the company.
Process House and Organizational Chart
The process house provides a clear overview of a company’s management processes, core processes, and support processes. The organizational chart, on the other hand, captures the company structure and all employees. This ensures that all essential business information is integrated into kyro.
Our Clients Are Excited About kyro
“kyro is easy to use and can be widely applied for process optimization. We appreciate the digital process mapping – this allows optimization opportunities to be easily identified and accessed from anywhere. The OCL (Open Challenge List) enables a consolidated approach and a good overview of open items. Our request for integration with Power BI has also been implemented and was resolved excellently.”
– Project Team, BKW Energie AG
“kyro hat unsere Art, Probleme zu lösen, deutlich verbessert. Die Bedienung ist leicht und die Benutzeroberfläche motiviert alle im Team, sich einzubringen – egal, welche Position sie haben. Durch die zentrale Sammlung aller KVP-Aktivitäten ist unsere Arbeit strukturierter und effizienter geworden. Wir sehen klare Fortschritte, wie wir betriebliche Herausforderungen angehen und unsere Abläufe kontinuierlich verbessern. We particularly appreciate that kyro breaks down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps so that everyone can contribute to the solution. The ease of use of the tool also encourages a culture of continuous improvement within the company.”
– Rrezarta Krasniqi, Business Engineer at CKW AG